

While working towards the personal research the author conducted, 'electronic interviews' with special makeup effects artists.

interview 1

'Atomic Timmy Sudios'


E-Mail to: info@atomictimmy.com

These are some projects he has worked as a makeup artist: ANTARCTICA - Walt Disney Pictures, (release: 2005), WAR OF THE WORLDS - Paramount Pictures, (release: 2005), ZATHURA - Sony Pictures, (release: 2005).

Interview reply May 5 2005 by Tim Northon


Hi Maria,

Sorry if these are short

Feel free to add anything you feel appropriate. Let me know if you need clarification on any of my answers. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Q. What type of special make-up effect do you consider to be the most popular today in films, commercials, or music video clips?

A. Seems like "Zombie" makeups are popular at the moment.

Q. What is the typical process for the creation of a character or creature? How do you approach it (are there any tricks)?

A. 1. Get a script. 2. Do a "Break down" of the effects needed for the film - discuss with Director. 3. Sculpt maquettes or do test makeups to show the Director. 4. Upon approval - production begins.

For the actual character creation I look for any reference to the creature in the script and then discuss what the director "sees" in his mind, Then I imagine what it should look like based on that info and that's when I'll sculpt a quick maquette or clay sketch to show where I'm going with the character. (I find that directors like to have a three dimensional "vision" of their creature - more impressive)

Q. What types of materials do you use a lot? What are some interesting or innovative techniques?

A. Silicones and Fiberglass. Alot of neat stuff is being made with silicones now - for both skins and molding.

Q. What famous movies, commercials, music video clips, have you contributed in and what was your favourite in creating the make-up effects for it and why?

A. "War of the Worlds", "Charlotte's Web", "The Perfect Storm" - I really like the realism we're able to achive with today's materials and techniques.

Q. Has anyone freaked out on you on a particular effect that you created on them before the filming?

A. Not in a bad way, I've been lucky (so far) that I've worked with very good people.

Q. How has CGI affected you and the special make-up industry in general?

A. In some ways, it has helped to augment effects and makeups that would otherwise be impossible to create with traditional techniques only. However, it has also become so ubiquitous that we now have the problem of "suspention of disbelief" being streched beyond the limit when things on the screen appear to defy the laws of gravity, physics and anatomy.

Q. Where do you see special make-up effects ten years from now?

A. I see the group of artists doing this work getting smaller and more specialized perhaps. That seems to be happening now with makeup and effects artists moving into the digital end of things. I hope that CGI and makeup effects will complement, instead of compete with, each other more.

maria zeniou
famous artists
interview 1
interview 2
interview 3
interview 4
interview 5