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Nicholas Blachford.
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Ian Buck.
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Eugene d'Eon.
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Mark DeLoura.
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Mark DeLoura, editor.
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Mark Deloura and Dante Treglia, editors.
Game Programming Gems 3.
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Randima Fernando, editor.
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Addison-Wesley, 2004.
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Kayvon Fatahalian, Jeremy Sugerman, and Pat Hanrahan.
Understanding the efficiency of gpu algorithms for matrix-matrix
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Naga Govindaraju, Brandon Lloyd, Wei Wang, Ming Lin, and Dinesh Manocha.
Fast computation of database operations using graphics processors.
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Naga Govindaraju, Stephane Redon, Ming C. Lin, and Dinesh Manocha.
Cullide: Interactive collision detection between complex models in
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Mark Harris.
Fast fluid dynamics simulation on the gpu.
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Mark Harris.
Mapping computational concepts to gpus.
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- HB05
Mark Harris and Ian Buck.
Gpu flow-control idioms.
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- Hor05
Daniel Horn.
Stream reduction operations for gpgpu applications.
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- Kil05
Emmett Kilgariff.
The geforce 6 series gpu architecture.
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- Kir04
Andrew Kirmse, editor.
Game Programming Gems 4.
Charles River Media, 2004.
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Aaron Lefohn, Joe Kniss, and John Owens.
Implementing efficient parallel data structures on gpus.
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K Moreland and E Angel.
The fft on a gpu.
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John Owens.
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Victor Palmer.
Navier strokes fluid
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Matt Pharr, editor.
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Thomas Rolfes.
Artificial neural networks on programmable graphics hardware.
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Randi Rost.
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Dave Shreiner.
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Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, and Dave Shreiner.
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Cliff Woolley.
Gpu program optimization.
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Osiris Perez #d1151768