Okay, theres not much here yet, as with the rest of this site, it's been a bit of a rush to get this all up and running, I hope to bulk up this section very soon. But hopefully the tutorial links below will get you started (also check out our general links page and the DIY page).
If you would like to submit any tutorials, tips or tricks, or if you have any good links, please email me, cheers :-)
Foam latex and mold making (Lars Carlsson) - step by step tutorial with images
Making false teeth (Lars Carlsson) - step by step with images
For more makeup effects and techniques check out Lars Carlsson makeup FX site
Teeth & Fangs (tips & tutorials from Scream Website)
Make "friendly plastic" fangs (fangs made out of a easily shaped modelling plastic)
Special Aging Effects (Use of Stipple Latex Ager (SAPSMA website))
Life Casting (tutorial from the Scream website)
Life casting technique (great step by step with photos (SAPSMA website))
Prosthetics (latex face mask tips & tutorials from Scream Website)
Blood, scabs, scars & other kitchen recipes (tips & tutorials from Scream Website)
Thoughts on mold making, gelatin and foam latex (some good hints and tips)
The use of Gelatine for molded prosthetics (SAPSMA website)
SAPSMA - Society of amateur and professional special effects makeup artists (lots of tips and tricks)
Making fake eyes (a step by step photo article from the FX21 site in Sweden)
Foam Latex Oven (construction and plans (SAPSMA site))
Vacuum Form Machine (construction and plans (SAPSMA site))
Dragonbytes (Halloween makeup ideas (step by steps to make bulletholes, wounds, etc))
Monstermakers Latex Mask Making (Basic overview of the steps you need to do to make a latex maskstep by step with photos (they also have a more detailed book for sale, which you can download fairly cheaply or get a printed version))
FXSupply Guide to Latex Mask Making (another overview, similar to above)
Blood and bullets for no budget films (good guide to creating gunshot hits, not just make-up but a physical exploding bloodpack design is here)
Claymation - a step by step guide (GREAT site!!!)
Claymation - the No Budget SFX website guide
Animation World - secrets of stopmotion
Animation World - Foam puppet farbication explained
Stopmotion Animation site - has all the info and links you
could need on this artform
Sugar Glass (Matt Hawkins) - breakaway glass for
Misc tips for using Fog/smoke machines
Blood and bullets for no budget films (good guide to creating gunshot hits, not just make-up but a physical exploding bloodpack design is here)
Costume Links - A HUGE list of costume links (to guides to doing specific people, period and character costumes to accessories such as wigs, and also makeup. Some links are to basic sites but some are more pro, …a good place to start if planning some costumes)
A Milliners Approach To Maskmaking - a students guide to mask making
Wig Making - great professional little guide, but man, its time consuming!
LOTR costumes - make your own, plus all sorts of
info relating to LOTR costumes
Ngila Dickson Interview
(costume designer for LOTR, with info on how they did some of the costuming)
Animatronics - good site that takes you through the construction of a basic animatronic puppet
The Yoda Project - talking animatronic head design
Animatronics, Robots, SPFX - huge links page, but a lot of the links are old and don't work anymore unfortunately
Bluescreening - the
not so ancient art, a page with a good run down on the process (will write my
own tutorial soon)
Chromakeying with 4:1:1 DV Footage
(Douglas Spotted Eagle, off Creative Cow site)
Shooting for Chromakeying -
Great article on Chroma keying, if youre looking at doing some bluescreen or
greenscreen work, READ this!!! (by Barend Onneweer, off Creative Cow
After Effects
AE Freemart - the place to go for tips
techniques and free plugins for After Effects
Creative Cow - After Effects
General Tutorials
Creative Cow - After Effects
v5.5 Tutorials
remapping - handy for ramping speed
Time Remapping - more of the above (Bryan Preston, Creative Cow site)
Displacement mapping- article explains use of the Displacement Filter and Time
Displacement, from LearnDynamicMedia
Proceedural Matte Creation - this covers using procedural techniques of combining a couple
of different chromakey filters to produce a good composite matte (After Effects
based, but theory is good for use in other software. From Creative Cow site by
Barend Onneweer).
Morphing in After Effects (Chris Zwar, Creative Cow site)
Colourgrading in After Effects (Barend Onneweer, Creative Cow site)
Panning & Zooming in After Effects (Matt Dallows, Creative Cow Site)
Morphing & Warping
Morphing explaination
Morphing tutorial - for
Elastic Reality
Morphing in After Effects (Chris Zwar, Creative Cow site)
Nicky Pages
Morphing- Morphing tutorial for PC users
Misc 2D FX
Adapting Print Graphics to Video - article from LearnDynamicMedia
Broadcast Safe Area Templates - make sure the graphics you create for video can be safely seen
on all TV sets (tips and tricks plus PAL and NTSC template files to download,
from LearnDynamicMedia)
Pages Lightsabres -
Lightsabre tutorial using Adobe Premiere & Photoshop
3DS Max FX - numerous 3DS Max special effects
The Imperial Archives - 3D models, meshes, resources &
forums to do with all SciFi films & TV
3D Cheap
and nasty HDRI rendering techniques - simple way to add realism to your 3D
3D hair modelling - links and